November 3, 2022
Presented at the Three Rivers Dental Conference at Nemacolin Woodlands
Radiation Safety Overview For Pennsylvania Dental X-ray Operators
2 Credit Hours
Training Objective: Provide a two-hour course covering the generic topics detailed in Pennsylvania Bureau of Radiation Protection (BRP) “Medical X-ray Procedures Operator Training Guide” (#291-4200-001, reference 25 Pa. Code, Section 221.11)
Learning Objectives:
- Detail the basic properties of radiation
- Define the units of measurement used in radiation safety
- Identify sources of radiation exposure
- Discuss radiation protection measures
- Provide an overview of the biological effects of radiation exposure
- Introduce applicable regulators
- Demonstrate X-ray equipment functionality
- Discuss image recording and processing
- Detail patient exposure controls and proper positioning
- Outline operational procedural requirements
- Introduce quality assurance and quality control measures
- Summarize regulations for X-ray Operators
Matthew Spady, HEM, CHPSE
CLYM Environmental Services, LLC
Greater Pittsburgh area of operations. In addition, he has recently completed the requirements for the prestigious Certified Healthcare Environmental Manager professional designation (HEM), and the Certified HIPAA Privacy Security Expert designation (CHPSE). Mr. Spady is also pioneering plastics recycling in the dental world, to achieve a less then 10 percent waste accumulation for participating offices. Clym environmental recently achieved accreditation though NAID for secure document destruction, and is not AAA certified.
Dental Society of Western PA is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider Approved by Pennsylvania Dental Association.
ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
Dental Society of Western PA designates this activity for 6 continuing education credits.